Monday Morning Motivation: Are You Living Your Best Life?

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone say something along the lines of, "I just want to enjoy life, not constantly worry about what I'm eating," well, I wouldn't have to work for a while anyway. Toss in the ever popular, "Eat healthy. Exercise. Die Anyway," and I'd officially be rich.

We often associate tasty food and overindulgence with a life well lived. But, is it? How many Thanksgiving afternoons with our families have we stumbled through exhausted after eating too much? How many Saturday mornings have we let the television babysit our kids because that last glass of wine the night before was helping us unwind? For me, it goes even deeper than that.  My insulin resistance can be so out of control that a poor choice at lunch can mean that I'm too exhausted to help my son with his homework that evening.

These are the more extreme examples but there's little ways, especially the older we get, in which our less than stellar lifestyle choices lead to a life not-so-well lived. The food we put (and don't put) in our bodies, our exercise habits (or lack thereof) and our decisions to go to bed at a natural time (or to stay up until 1am scrolling Facebook) all influence how fully engaged we can be in life. It varies person to person but it, eventually, affects us all.

Now, don't get me wrong, a delicious piece of homemade cake in the company of loved ones often can contribute to a life well lived! But, if you're binging on three day old cake, at midnight, in front of the television, you are not living your best life. Nor will you be the next morning. Life is a series of choices. With every choice you make, as yourself, "will this make my life better or worse?"

Happy Monday,

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