Monday Morning Motivation: The Struggle

There have been so many times when I've truly felt like I had all the answers when it came to wellness. However, the more I learn, the more I look back and realize how many times I've been wrong...or at least only half right. 

There is so much to know and so many different paths to choose from when exploring methods of achieving wellness. The problem is that many of the paths appear extremely valid. Most modalities of eating, for example, tend to yield plenty of success stories. 

It's taken me a long time to understand why this is but the more I explore, the more I realize that there are so many seemingly correct, yet so different, paths because WE are all so different!

This explains why your coworker starting eating Atkins 20 years ago, lost 100 pounds, and has felt amazing ever since...Meanwhile, you did Atkins for one week, were constipated and crying the entire time and ended your week by binging on a giant container of Japanese rice. 

We are complex creatures. Everything from our emotions surrounding exercise to the prefered diets of our particular ancestors...and everything in between, has created the perfect unique creature that is each of us. 

So, instead of beating ourselves over the head with the "solution" that worked for our second cousin's best friend's wife...let's gently and lovingly find the solutions that work for us. Now, I'm not saying if chocolate cake at midnight "just feels right" that this means it's part of your wellness plan but, on the other hand, if you are absolutely, positively miserable with your current plan, ask yourself why! And keep exploring what the perfect combination of wellness looks like for you.

And, in the meantime, go take a walk, get some fresh air and drink the cleanest water you can get your hands on because that is almost universally nurturing to us all!

Happy Monday!

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