Monday Morning Motivation: Embrace the Discomfort

From time to time I am reminded of the importance of being uncomfortable when seeking progress. Whether it takes the form of pushing out of my comfort zone during an intense workout or getting hungry from time to time when I've acquired too many extra fat stores....and everything in between, I've come to recognize the feeling of a very necessary part of change.

So, discomfort is, by definition, uncomfortable! And we, as humans, naturally try to avoid it. However, there is a way to trick our brains into accepting a little discomfort and that's learning to embrace it!

Now, let me just say, until my early 30s, had someone suggested this concept to me, I would've probably rolled my eyes and called them a masochist under my breath as I walked away. However, now that I truly, TRULY have internalized the idea that discomfort is my tangible proof that I'm growing in some capacity, it has changed how discomfort feels to me. 

Suddenly that miserable drag halfway through a workout turns into me knowing for certain that I am overriding my previous limitations and my body won't drag quite as much in a couple days from now. When my stomach is growling and churning, I know that it's just putting up one last fight before it shuts my hunger signal off for a while and dips into my fat stores. 

Disclaimer: There is a very obvious difference between creating an occasional caloric deficit to allow our body to utilize excess fat and a very thin person starving themselves for psychological reasons. If you suspect you fall into the second category, please seek help before you destroy your body!

For the rest of us, learn to embrace this feeling. Revel in it. You may have to start by faking it til you make it! Tell yourself you love it even when you don't! One day you'll start to create a new association and realize that this type of discomfort doesn't equal danger, it equals tangible change!

Happy Monday!

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