The Problem with the "Everything in Moderation" Mentality

Here's the problem with the "Everything in Moderation" mentality:

Unhealthy foods cause an immune response. Period. Our immune system views these toxic foods as exactly what they are, foreign invaders threatening to attack us.

While some of us are genetically predisposed to be able to handle more of it without any adverse reactions, we all have that predisposed "genetic tipping point." Especially as we get older, our bodies will become more toxic and less able to process these foods.

As our immune system becomes less able to deal with these constant stressors we become chronically inflamed, also referred to as systemic inflammation. Our immune system begins to neglect other things it's generally responsible for, like cellular repair and sweeping waste out of the liver. And, heaven forbid, when sickness strikes, our soldiers are caught with their pants down and unable to heal us properly. This is when serious disease and/or organ failure can start to occur.

Most Americans are walking around with systemic inflammation. And, while being thin definitely doesn't mean someone isn't chronically inflamed, being overweight almost definitely indicates that one is inflamed. Know one of our body's favorite places to store toxins? In our fat cells!

So, this is where the whole "Everything in Moderation" falls short....things like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type II diabetes and leaky gut syndrome, all of which have been closely linked to a poor diet, are virtually impossible to correct without truly focusing on healing the immune system and the gut. And maybe you haven't been diagnosed with anything yet but there is a whole big gray area between "healthy" and "sick" and most of us fall somewhere in that spectrum of gray.

Here's the thing though, the body is an amazing machine if we give it a chance! While we can't heal everything and we aren't meant to live forever, if we give our immune system a break and allow it to begin to repair our bodies, we often will be amazed by the results! Byproducts of toxicity that we didn't even realize were such (acne, fatigue, obesity, eczema) can often completely clear up just be calming down our immune response and gut and allowing our bodies to naturally come back into balance. And once we're there?? Then maybe we can try the "everything in moderation" model.

