
November has become the month of gratitude. Although we all know we should be grateful all the time, and it's something wonderful to strive toward, it's also nice that there is now a month that has seemingly became dedicated to it.

A few weeks ago I signed up for a 21 Day Gratitude meditation program scheduled to start on November 4th. The morning of November 4th passed without me doing as I resolved, starting my gratitude meditation. Why? Well, my time is limited to be sure. However, I do have a little free time, as most of us do. And, as many of us do, I have fallen into the habit of using my precious free time doing idle things such as playing games on my phone or checking Facebook.

I suddenly realized that my priorities are most definitely out of line if I can't dedicate 10-15 minutes of my free time to focusing on being a happier person because I'm too distracted by my iPhone. Thus began my November phone fast.

I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted the games off my phone. November 5th (yesterday), I spent my morning coffee time doing my first gratitude meditation and, as a result, started my day in such a positive, constructive way compared to the mind numbing way I usually start it after 20-30 minutes of Ruzzle and Facebook memes.

Now might be a good time to state that I am in no way against Facebook (although I think I am officially against phone games, I don't know that we should have such easy access to such things). I love Facebook, it's how I connect with many of the people who I love and how I stay informed about important things going on in the world and in my own community. December 1st, I will be back on Facebook. But my intention is that it will be back in its compartment where it belongs.

So my first benefit of my little "fast" was that I entered my day with a sense of gratitude and purpose. Actually the first day's gratitude meditation was about living your purpose. I already feel with all my heart that I AM now living my purpose. However, entering my day consciously aware of this helped me to give so much more to others and, as a result, get so much back in return.

Last night I laid down in bed and this is when I would usually turn on my phone and pull up Facebook for a little "me time" while I get good and tired. Instead, I pulled up (amazing website, soooo totally recommend it!) and watched a short movie called "Serotonin Rising" and was so happy and inspired when I rolled over to go to sleep. I woke up and watched my second gratitude meditation and I am entering this day with my new assignment of giving my thanks to the universe by remaining focused on my life's work instead of going through my day in a distracted haze.

What I'm doing may be a little extreme for some and that's fine. It may, however, not be extreme enough for others. We need to be open to the idea of removing that from our lives which distract us unnecessarily from what's important. Life is beautiful and exciting and full of wonder, but we are going to miss it if we're playing Ruzzle when the miracles happen.

