Monday Morning Motivation: When I Lose My Mojo

I've lost it at least a thousand times. I'll be trucking along, doing everything right, feeling amazing and then BOOM! Often for no reason, I fall off the wagon and restart my self-destructive behaviors. 

However, I've learned so many techniques over the years to get myself back on track quickly. Here are my top five favorites:

1. I write a letter to my tomorrow morning self. I mean, I literally write a letter. It will read something like this: "When you read this, we will be back on track. I did everything right yesterday because I wanted you to wake up tomorrow and feel good about yourself!" Sometimes I will even list everything I "did" (will do) that day. I will write it and tape it to my coffee pot, knowing it'll be waiting for me in the morning. I think about how depressing it will feel if I don't actually follow through with my promise that day.
2. I immerse myself in motivational audiobooks, podcasts, documentaries and books. I like to call it "positive brainwashing".
3. I put one foot in front of the other and work out! This one will probably get me a couple "yeah right" responses but, hear me out! Sometimes I'll tell myself, "okay, you just have to show up! You don't have to give it your all, you don't have to even do the whole thing. Just show up!" 99 times out of 100, I end up giving it my all anyway and I feel so amazing after my workout that I just pop right back on track!
4. I read what I wrote when I was on track! Now, this one will require some preparation while you're actually on track. I like to write down, in detail, how amazing I feel and how I'm so glad I'm not off track and feeling nasty. If you're currently not rocking it, imagine when you were rocking it and how you felt...close your eyes and really feel all those positive feelings of success, control, ease of movement, lightness in step, etc.
5. I "phone a friend". This one is huge for me! I confide in one of my fit friends or even go see my counselor if I've really gotten way off course. Sometimes just talking it out and writing out some goals with someone who will gently hold you accountable will be all you need to get you back in the swing of things.

Regardless of where you are on that "rocking it/not rocking it" spectrum right now, love yourself! Because we nurture what we love and you are worthy of it all right in this moment!

Happy Monday!

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