I am in the process of updating and adding lots of books/documentaries/podcasts that I've discovered since creating my original list. I will continue to add more pics and links as I go as well. This page will be an evolving and growing list for a while so keep checking back...
Delay, Don't Deny by Gin Stephens
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Positive Discipline Birth to Five by Dr. Jane Nelsen
I believe one of the best ways to change to is LEARN, LEARN, LEARN!
Not only does this empower you through knowledge, it's also a good way to practice what I like to refer to as "positive brainwashing" because you are constantly exposing yourself to information that is related to the type of lifestyle you wish to have.
Thoughts become actions, actions become habits and habits become your new lifestyle!
The following is a list of all my favorite books/documentaries and podcasts with a brief description/review of each. Because there are so many, I have tried to split them up by category.
Weight Loss/Nutrition/Exercise
**Note: Almost all of these books will also be available in audio format, which is a great way to educate and inspire yourself while you commute!
It Starts with Food by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig
These are the creators of the Whole30. As a proponent of Intermittent Fasting, I feel compelled to say that I don't agree with their notion that we have to eat every meal on schedule or else something bad happens. However, other than this one little tidbit, I think this book is wonderful and I believe that the Whole30 can be a great elimination diet that can help you create a better relationship with food and your body!
I like this book because she really is just the "everyday person" in how she explains her own journey to Intermittent Fasting. The method if Intermittent Fasting she practices is called OMAD (One Meal a Day). This may seem extreme for some but, hear her out! I, personally, was doing exactly this method of fasting years ago when I got down to my lowest weight. However, this was before IF was really starting to go mainstream so I felt like I was doing something wrong even though I felt amazing! Definitely worth a read, whether you find it to be your thing or not!
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall
This isn't so much an educational book as it is a collection of stories about different types of runners. More than anything, it reminded me of the strength of the human spirit, the body and how much potential we have. Very inspirational!
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan
What foods we should and shouldn't eat and why. This is for those of us who have read a hundred different philosophies on what our diet should look like and feel completely lost because they all sorta make sense. By far, Pollan offers the most level-headed and scientific approach to the human diet that I have found to date!
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey
If you experience trouble with having enough motivation to exercise, this book could seriously change your life. He teaches you WHY exercise is so important and the science behind it's effects. I've listened to it several times and it really helped me internalize the importance of exercise. I have ZERO trouble with motivation now (aside from the occasional under the weather day) and I sincerely believe that this book has played a HUGE part in it!
I stumbled across this book quite a few years ago after doing a google search for "why do I always feel hungry after I eat bread." What I found was absolutely life changing! William Davis was considered a hack by many at the time. Now, it's becoming much more mainstream of an idea that perhaps our modern day bread isn't the staff of life we've been told it is!
The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution by John Gray, Ph.D.
Don't let the name fool you. This is not a chick book. This offers sound information about how men and women's bodies respond to certain types of food and exercise.
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body by Daniel G. Amen
Amen explains the relationship between a healthy body and a healthy mind and how the two are inextricably connected.
It's Called a Break-Up Because It's Broken by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt.
This is truly the best break-up companion ever! In fact, I always preferred the audio version. During my dating years (before I met my, now, husband), this book became my favorite friend at night when I would feel lonely or weak. I'd put on my headphones and get my strength back. It's funny and lighthearted, yet really makes you look at the serious flaws that led to your break-up.
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
If you find yourself always attracted to people who need help and you're always the one who thinks you can change them. This is a GREAT book!
Mars and Venus on a Date by John Gray, Ph.D.
Gives insight into the dating world for both sexes. VERY HELPFUL!
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
This book can benefit men as much as it can women. It helps is "break the code" and finally gain a little insight into what's going on in the opposite sex's brain! He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt. Maybe you're just not his cup of tea. And, if not, you deserve better. The Tao of Dating by Ali Binazir. Learn how to be the goddess you are and attract the right man.
Super short and extremely Helpful!!
Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy child from Zero to Five by John Medina
ScreamFree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool by Hal Edward Runkel
BY FAR the best parenting book I've read so far!! It's not just about not screaming, almost any parent could benefit from this book. It has been truly priceless in my own life, I just can't recommend it enough! Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive by The Courses. This is an amazing (and LONG) series of lectures, all backed up by sound science, about various topics of child rearing.
Mental Health/Inspirational/General Self-Help
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A Singer
We all have a filter through which we send all our experiences. As we have more experiences, our filter gets dirty. If we don't clean our filter, the world starts to lose it's luster. Anyone who hangs out with me for any period of time has heard me reference and/or quote this book in some capacity. It is the most life-changing, non nutrition-related, book I've ever read!
Learn how to overcome the roadblocks in your head that tell you that you can't do something.
The Law of Success From the Master Mind to the Golden Rule (in Sixteen Lessons) by Napoleon Hill
This book is really good and reeeeallllly long. I can only take it in small doses because it's a little dry but definitely chock full of information and worth the listen!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
I just can't recommend this book enough! Every single person should listen to this. Everyone can greatly benefit from it!!!
The Toltec Way by Susan Gregg. The three Toltec Masteries (Awareness, Transformation and Intent) are explained as the key to transcending your limitations and experiencing yourself as the creator of your life.
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